Victor Niglio
Diplo pres. Diplo & Friends (Victor Niglio Guest Mix)
As we continue our march through May, we’re delighted to bring you a one on one conversation with our favorite Philly-born Lothario. Check out what he had to say about bringing his family to his shows, what producers we should keep an eye on, and who slings up the best cheesesteak in town.
TMN: Hey Victor! Thank you for taking some time to chat with us today, and even more so, being our resident artist for the month of May. Let’s kick things off by talking about something we’ve noticed over the past few months. You actually bring your whole family out (grandma, mom, dad, aunts, etc) to your shows. This isn’t something you see everyday. What made you decide to bring the whole Niglio clan?
VN: It wasn’t really me deciding to bring them, it was them deciding they wanted to come! Kinda epic when your grandmom asks when she can come see your next show.
TMN: What was their reaction like?
VN:They all LOVE it. They have more fun than most people at the clubs, I’d say.
TMN: From Vlogs, to producer tips, to teaming up with clothing companies, you’ve always been very interactive with your fans. Talk to us about what inspires to to connect more.
VN: I used to be a fan of DJs before I was one, and seeing the slightest bit of interaction between DJ & fan was really the coolest thing to me as a fan. I’m so interactive because it’s what I would want if I was a fan of myself (lol what)
TMN: Alright, let’s head back to the beginning. You’re were classically trained on the piano as a child, and it wasn’t until you heard Bloody Beetroots that you wanted to make the switch. What was it about “Warp” that really caught your ear?
VN: Warp is pure energy. It’s one of those tracks you can show to someone who doesn’t have a clue, but they listen to it, tap their foot, and say ‘wow this is cool!’. So me, writing orchestral music in Logic, hearing warp for the first time, I’m tapping my foot and saying ‘wow, I want to make whatever this is!’
TMN: Speaking of those guys, they’re heavily rooted in hard rock/heavy metal. Do you have some of those same influences?
VN: Yea, I was totally into that scene. Alternative rock, heavy metal, grindcore. I was and still am a big fan of bands like Chelsea Grin, We Came As Romans, August Burns Red, Enter Shikari, and even stuff like The Killers and Say Anything, so the rock influence of ‘Warp’ totally helped grab the metal kid inside of me.
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