Roses ft. Rozes (Original Mix)
The first thing we do when we wake up in the morning, at least most of us, is look out our windows to see what the weather is like. Usually just this simple act can set our mood for the rest of the day. Whether good things or bad things come your way within those next 24 hours, the way you perceive everything is predetermined by that one glance. But this is when music becomes the hero. Just one push of the play button and a single song can completely change our attitude for the remainder of the day.
So what’s a perfect example of one of these powerfully effective songs? How about The Chainsmokers’ newly released original, “Roses,” featuring Philly vocalist, ROZES? From start to end, the signature uplifting and melodically rich production of the charismatic duo fills your ears with sweetness and your mind with visions of cloudless skies and sunshine. Surfacing this is the soft, yet resonating voice of ROZES, who sings of the notion of a beautiful romance. Her voice harmonizes with a not-so-familiar voice during the buildup, that of The Chainsmokers’ very own, Drew, consequently adding a sense of depth to the track.
So go ahead and click that play button, because the next time you wake up, you will be smelling nothing but “Roses.”