It’s Sunday again, meaning we’re finally at the end of a long and (hopefully fulfilling) holiday weekend. With your bellies full of Turkey, and your credit cards maxed out from Black Friday, we here at The Music Ninja would like to give you one more thing to be thankful for. This week’s offering is sweeter than the whipped cream on that final slice of pumpkin pie, because it features some truly special selections. From familiar faces like Erykah Badu, BANKS, JMSN & Alina Baraz to newcomers like Chiara, Love Mansuy, Audego & Allie, you’re guaranteed to find something to keep your spirits up. Grab whatever leftovers you may have out of your fridge, pile them high on a huge plate, and let the sweet melodies lull you into a food induced coma.
blackMadonna (prod. Sunni Colòn)’
Jezebel (prod. Sunni Colòn)’